
Wednesday 15 October 2008

Rise Against -Appeal To Reason

I guess this would be some kind of review if I had any idea how to write one Hehe. But yeah - I downloaded the new album about an hour or 2 ago - LOVE EVERY SONG! A friend of mine (Orion - My secret Love ;) Lol) told me it was supposed to contend with Sufferer and The Witness for their best album -personally this blows all 4 of their old albums out of the water with an 80mm tank barrell... Simultaniously. It really is that good, Although - it's related to my previous post - I sort of, Iso hunted it lol. Oh well - they can kiss my hairy ass for all I care, I wouldn't pay if they fined me! Moving on. I would recommend this as a download. I wonder if I should make Wednesday some kind of weirdo "Download of the Week" or something for music hehe

Although, If someone like me did that it'd be full of all sorts of deadly stuff... Oh well - We'll see how i feel next wednesday. :)

Guess I'll write more tomorrow


1 comment:

DraconisPrime said...

I am glad you like the new album you have recently acquired by that particular band.