
Thursday 30 October 2008

Wolves Arn't cute damnit!

Okay - I need to clear this up for a few people. I'm. Not. Cute. Get it into your heads, because this is the last time I'm saying it. Righteo - Moving on

These blogs are getting thinner and thinner by the post... but atleast it's still alive! Congratulations blog, You've managed to outlive my guitar lessons. But yeah - Onto more pleasant news

I've managed to fix about half of my life thus far wish me luck on the second half :)

Also - Paul's assignment is coming along Swmingly... for alternate-dimension-me! I havn't gotten a word in on it yet, so I'd best get started soon, especially considering it's due in next friday :s

Guess I'll write more tomorrow


Wednesday 29 October 2008

Straight down the U-bend

Basically, my life is going to hell, and pretty fast if I'm honest. I'd rather not go into any details on here and I'm just writing it to get this into the open, but yeah. until I think of anything good to put on this blog it might be gathering dust for a few days.

Guess I'll write more whenever I can


Sunday 26 October 2008

Urgh... Never again...

Possibly one of the worst nights I've had in a long time - the next day wasn't much better either... I drank way too much for my own good, 9 alchopops, a full bottle of smirnoff Ice and downed a can of Cider - I blame Aled for that last one, he said i wonder if I could down half of this can - actually no I'd better not, so, since he never, SOMEONE had to take on the challenge (Of course it would be the retard with a can of Scrumpy Jacks in his hand...) So yeah

A POUNDING head ache and 4 hours kneeling front of the toilet later...

I got home and threw up another 2 times - not good since I'd gotten rid of the solids earlyer (dry heaves FTL... Lol) Yes yes, you so want to know about my vomiting. Oh well, it's something to write about I guess xD

Guess I'll write more tomorrow
