
Tuesday 4 November 2008

I never cease to amaze myself

It's like, 2 days til the deadling on Paul's assignment and I still havn't got any more than a page done... This should be a toughy :s

Oh well

I'm too hyper to care right now and I'm STILL amazed by the fact you can have italics and bold! ;o

Although I miss my good companion Mr.Underline :(

Emphasis will never be the same without him...


Longest break I've ever taken :O

Wow, I totally went like, 5 days without writing a blog entry... guess that's what happens when i start things, I usually end up getting bored and run out of things to do

Thought I'd mix things up a bit and change the colour ! Oh yes, Pimping now

Oh wait, There's Bold too? Wow, I proffer Italic though ;)

Different Fonts too :O


Guess I'll write more Tomorrow
