
Friday 21 November 2008

Some of the randoms

I'm gonna give the whole "Centered Italics" thing a go for this one, Wanna see how it turns out ^_^

Right so - First things first, I have a new Job sorta! as the people who know me more than others will be able to confimr, I am an EXTREME MMORPG Addict ;) I've been on this forum called My MMO Games. I'm not exactly a big poster there, and I don't have many "Friends in high places" BUT!! - I got chosen for a job there :D I'm now the new official Content Manager for the Trickster Online section :D Lol - if I'm honest I think NoeJeko (The owner of the site) was a bit lax with the decisions if someone like me could get in :P But yeah - so far so good, I'll keep you guys updated with that if I can remember ;D

Okay - Secondly! More boring college related etc.s (Don't worry, I'll keep this part short ;) ) few more assignments which I've buggered up the ass completely, something to do with communicating, I dunno, I wasn't listening ( Lets all hop aboard the Irony train! Lol)

I got this Twitter thing the other day, since I'm getting an iPhone for my Present at gift giving day, I though "Hmm, Doesn't that have an App. for something called Twitter?" And yes - it does, not sure if it costs though, and in all honesty - Twitter is the most useless piece of poop I have ever seen. It's basically a glorified "What are you doing thing" on Face book with its own website - i suppose it could be interesting to hear what people are doing, say if they went to an amusement park, but seriously - who would bother to take the time to get out the iPhone, unlock it, go to the "Twitterific" app, type in EXACTLY what they were doing at that precise second, Just so that some randomers half way accross the world can see their dayly crapping patterns incase they want to steal their identity or something...

John Smith 187 is going to the bathroom
John Smith 187 is back from the bathroom
John Smith 187 is breathing
John Smith 187 is thinking he is pissing off Twitter users by posting each second
John Smith 187 made some cereal.
John Smith 187 is being molested - call back later please

What the hell is interesting about that? Ohwell -I'm sure it's still more interesting than my blog :P SELF OWN'D!

Anyway, I'm gonna head off, I have some things I need to get done tonight (Like your MOTHER! Burn~) Sorry, That was F**ked up... I'm off :D



Anonymous said...

That's what's great about twitter. I orignally thought that I would use it to keep in contact with my friends, then deleted that account, started anew and just post random shit that I really don't give a crap if anyone is interested in. For me, it is not a popularity contest; that is what my facebook is all about. Being anonymous on twitter allows me to post about subjects (mainly sex) that I wouldn't discuss with my friends and coworkers. I love it and I don't care if I have followers or not!!!!

Darthwolfman said...

It's not that I'm saying twitter is bad, I'm more or less trying to make the point that I'm EXTREMELY Lazy ;) I literally wouldn't have the energy to fork out my phone just to tell people I'd made a jam sandwhich :P